Happy Thanksgiving

We traveled from Charleston to an anchorage called Steamboat Creek for Thanksgiving. We picked this spot so we could time a high tide passage through Watts Cut and Ashepoo Coosaw Cutoff on Friday, hoping to avoid shoaling. 

Because we spent an extra night in Charleston, we planned ahead to have Thanksgiving dinner on the hook. We bought a very small turkey, potatoes, stuffing, cranberries, and a store-bought pumpkin pie (imagine me not baking my own pie…shocking). We had green beans, sweet potatoes and the stuff to make gravy on board, so we were good to go. I even brined the turkey!

So, what was different? The propane oven is tiny and about as wide as the spatchcocked turkey, versus my beautiful, large gas convection oven at home. Maintaining a constant temperature was a challenge, so my turkey wasn’t the beautiful brown I get at home. On the other hand, because I have fewer pans, dishes, utensils, and fridge space…I had to be efficient and not be as messy. The tiny dishwasher we installed last year is wonderful and worth it’s weight in the water it saves. At the end of the day, we had a delicious meal with a beautiful sunset.

We have so much to be thankful for: this crazy boating lifestyle, boat-dog Joy, deep water, a great anchor, beautiful sunsets, but mostly, amazing family and friends. Happy Thanksgiving 🦃  
